Friday, July 13, 2012

JOY is now

I've been keeping a secret and for those of you who know me, you know that this is not one of my strong suits and it's hard for me to do! 

So, here we go!!  We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting Baby Roth #5!!  I have been wanting to share this exciting news for weeks and it has been so hard for me to not do just that: share!

I wish I could say that excitement is the only emotion that I have been feeling, but as many of you can expect, I have had many emotions run through me.  My mind naturally races and I worry about the life and future of this little baby that I have been chosen to carry. 
Although I find myself at times worrying because I don't know what the future has in store for us, I do choose to and need to remind myself that our JOY is now.  Whatever may happen down the road, our joy is here.  It's real.  It's NOW.  In this moment...  And there is nothing like sharing joy!  
I am scared.  I am fearful.   I am nervous.   But I am hopeful.  I am full of faith.  And I am thankful.
If, God forbid, something terrible happens, I pray that you will grieve with us and support us.  I know that fear and grief can never erase the joy of this moment from our life - it continues to be real.  I also know that if I delay and don't share it and something happens, I will never have shared this amazing moment and there is nothing left to share but the surprise of tragedy and sorrow, or alternatively, somehow deal with it on my own.   And that, I can't do.  
So, for today I want to share our joy with you! 
We have prayed for months and months that if and when we were blessed with another child, that we would have clarity and peace in our hearts as to what course of treatment to seek to best care for this child and this pregnancy.  I feel beyond blessed to share with you that our prayers have been answered!
After many doctor appointments, many hours of research, conversations and prayer, we have a plan that we are confident with.
Next week we will be boarding a plane to New Jersey where I will be seeing a fabulous doctor who specializes in the treatment of women with my condition.  He is able to perform an amazing surgery that will give us a wonderfully high success rate for a full-term and healthy pregnancy.  It's an option that several months ago I didn't even know existed.
The surgery he will perform is called a Transvaginal Cervico Isthmic Cerclage and it will give my cervix the extra strength that it needs in order to bring our precious little child safely into our arms.  It is minimally invasive (day surgery), highly successful, it will enable me to have a natural delivery and in theory, a "normal" pregnancy. 
I wish I could express to you how amazing it is to have this opportunity and the ability to be able to make this happen.  Not many doctors have heard of this procedure, let alone perform it! 
I sent an email to this doctor in New Jersey on a Wednesday night and on Thursday evening, he called me at home!  Our follow-up converation the next day was when he told me that our insurance would cover the procedure!!  Amazing!  
There is much more to this story and I wish I could share it all!  But let's just say that God is good!  God is faithful!  And I know that he has and will continue to bless our family!
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."  Ephesians 3:20

We continue to welcome your love, prayers and support for our family in the days and months ahead!  Thank you for sharing in this joy with us!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Aiden

Today was Aiden's 8th birthday in heaven.  His coming birthday weighs heavy on my heart every summer.  I know it's coming.  It's a time that I look forward, but I wish I was celebrating it in much different ways. 

I have learned over the years since Aiden has passed how to grieve for him, yet celebrate his life and all the goodness, love and blessings that he has brought our family.   I am prepared for this day, but in some respects, my emotions always seem to sneak up on me in unexpected ways.  I feel like I should be used to this by now, but I'm not.  I think I'm actually thankful for this.  Thankful that Aiden's life continuously brings me something new to think about.

This year just feels different though. This year, I am haunted by the fact in one more short month, I will celebrate another heavenly birthday.  Ugh.  It's hard. 

But, I'll stop there and put my conflicting emotions aside.  Today was about Aiden and the joy he has brought us.


We had a wonderful day today as a family- celebrating all that we are together.  We talked about Aiden and all shared ideas of what we thought he would like to do, what his favorite games to play would be, what his favorite food would be, etc.  We laughed together and we explored together.  We loved one another.  We do these things every day, but today, we really slowed down and just soaked each other up. 

We decided at the last minute to hop in to the car and head to Wild Mountain in Taylors Falls.  We always do something special on Aiden's birthday and this year we decided to do something that we thought he would like- something that I'm sure he would have loved to do and something that would be memorable and fun for Gavin and Gabe too.  So, we packed a cooler and off we went! 


Seeing Gavin and Gabe have so much fun, never gets old.  They are becoming such courageous little men and I just love watching them grow up!  Gabe wanted to go down the water slides with me so, I snuggled up behind him and held him tight as we hopped in our inner tubes and headed down the slides.  We squealed with delight around every twist and corner- getting splashed along the way!  It was so refreshing and I really needed that!

I managed to find myself headed down one of the waterslides all by myself and I embraced the moment by reaching my arms out to the heavens and as tears filled my eyes, I sent Aiden a kiss. 

Happy Birthday, little boy.  Your mommy loves you!


As we were driving home from our little adventure, we were admiring a beautiful sunset.  Gavin shared that he thought that Jesus sent such a beautiful sunset for us to see because it was Aiden's birthday. 

I told him that I thought he as right and that I couldn't agree more! 

The picture doesn't quite to it justice, but it was a bright, orange sunset.  The boys thought it looked like lava.  It's very fitting for Aiden's birthday because Aiden's name means "little fire."

Sweet dreams, little boy.  I can only imagine the celebrations that you had in heaven today!