Saturday, December 24, 2011


I often sit in silence with tears in my eyes and what seems like a permanent ache in my chest. In these moments I ask God to help me make it through. That’s all I want – to get through Christmas and the months ahead and to come out the other side as unscathed as possible.

So today, I remind myself what Christmas is about… HOPE.

Hope isn’t a wish, or a dream, or a warm fuzzy thought.

Hope is a reality.

Hope is a fact.

Hope is Jesus.

Hope is the reality that because of Christmas… because Jesus came in the form of a little baby to offer salvation to the world… I will one day stand in heaven with all my babies in my arms.

Until that day comes, I remember that I was chosen to carry them.

I remember that they have made me who I am.

And I will remember that I have been given the greatest gift of all.  Salvation.


As I walk into this Christmas season with my heart aching for little ones no longer with us, I can rejoice and celebrate knowing that hope is a fact and I will one day hold them again.

Greatest blessings and prayers to you all this Christmas season.  May you have hope and peace in your heart.


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