Monday, April 9, 2012


In quiet times of reflection- in peaceful moments of thought, I often wonder where the stillness within me comes from.  How can I not be furious at the Lord for the deaths of my sons?

I ask myself this question and the answer is that I have been angry. 

I have been greatly disappointed. 

What I have not been though, and what I refuse to be, is disbelieving.

However easy it is for me to allow myself to cry and wail over my losses, it is a far more satisfying thing to believe that all of this is a brief and temporary season.  The Lord, my God, that I have placed my trust in tells me that I will see my boys again.  And while He stands beside me, He weeps.  He cries for me and he cries with me.  He hurts too.  I think He cries because He sees what I can't. 


I believe that God could have healed my body and protected Aiden and Jeremiah from being born too soon.  I have never questioned His ability to do that.  What I have questioned- what I have been curious about, is why He didn't.

Many well-intended people have tried to answer this question for me.  I have heard people try to tell me that "it was for the best," but quite honestly, I disagree.  I have been told that "God needed another angel" and again, I don't believe that.  I have grown tired and weary of people trying to explain my grief and pain away because they couldn't stand to just say:  I don't know why this happened.

I am learning that there is a very safe place with the Lord where we don't have to have all of the answers.  God is perfectly capable of revealing Himself.  I don't need to try to fill and the gaps- and you don't either.  I believe that the gaps are there to serve as opportunities to lean into Him despite the gaps being there.


I will lean on God despite the loss of my sons.  Their seasons of life were cut short and I will continue to grieve the loss of what my boys would have been.  I know that they will not come back to me.  But I know that God has gifted us with the rest of the story.

I wholly believe that He is real.

I believe that he is working everything in my life, and yours, for good.

I believe He can.

I find comfort knowing that I am walking a road that leads to Him and to our precious boys.

No, they won't return to us.

But one day, not so far from now, we will go to them.


I believe that God can and does perform miracles around us every day.  On the day that Jeremiah was born, I had been active in prayer conversation with God.  I prayed that He would stop my labor and heal my body.  I prayed that my child would be protected.  I prayed to God that I would not have to say hello and good-bye to my child in a single day- again.

Although my prayers were not answered in the way that I wanted them to be, I still believe that God was with me on that day and continues to be with me.  Every single day.  Every moment of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. These have been my thoughts exactly! God couldn't heal us or protect our babies, but he welcomed them into his arms and comforts us daily. So great to see you tonight. Wishing you peace.

