Sunday, October 12, 2014

Capture your Grief - Week 1

Capture Your Grief is an act of remembrance and awareness. It is a mindful healing project for anyone who is grieving the death of a baby or child of any age or gestation. I hope to bring awareness and compassion to the bereaved parent’s community by participating throughout the month of October- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

My grief is not as raw as is used to be, but it will forever be a part of me and my healing is very much a continuous and on-going process. I haven’t taken part in ‘Capture Your Grief’ before and was hesitant to do so this year, but I remember how alone and misunderstood I have felt in the past and in an attempt to save others from this hurt, I will share my heart and my journey throughout the month.

So, in honor of our boys, Aiden and Jeremiah, and in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, here we go...

There are 31 subjects for Capture Your Grief, one for each day in the month of October. I will try to share a photo that captures my journey with each daily subject that inspires my heart.

Day 1: Sunrise
So, it’s not exactly a sunrise. It’s a day-late-and-many-hours-past-sunrise picture. But, such is life… It doesn’t always go as planned now does it?
In the early days of my grief, waking up each morning was such a chore. There was no gratefulness in my heart for being blessed with another day of living. Through my eyes, it was simply another day without my son(s) and facing these days, with the reality of my life before me and the pain I felt deep down in my soul, it just felt unbearable. I knew that I had to keep on living, but I hated that life wouldn’t slow down. I couldn’t make sense of my son’s life and death. I hated the pain in my heart.
“Because of the Lord’ great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
We often can get stuck living in our grief, or living in the past or the future, but this verse reminds me that God wants me to live one day at a time. His grace and His compassions, they are new every morning.
Each day, we should live filled with God’s joy, love and excitement for that day. Every morning, God gives us new grace to enjoy that day. So, take time to enjoy those little moments with God because His grace is for today. When tomorrow comes, we’ll have grace, too; but today’s grace is for today.

Day 2: Heart
 { Aiden Robert Roth July 2, 2004 }  -----  { Jeremiah Oliver Roth August 4, 2011 }
I had so many dreams for you two! My heart swelled the moment I knew of your existence. Your lives and the places that your lives and deaths have taken me has filled my faith to overflowing. You have enriched my life and our family’s life beyond compare.
I thought I would be teaching Aiden and Jeremiah about life and love, but it has completely been the other way around. My two little boys, who never spoke a word, who never opened their eyes to view the wonders of this world, have taught me more about life and love that I could have imagined.
I carry your heart, baby boys. {I carry it in my heart}
Day 3: Before
This picture is in the early weeks of my pregnancy with Jeremiah (2011). I was in such a good place emotionally having spent so many years working on healing and restoring my heart after the loss of our first son, Aiden. I was physically the healthiest and fittest that I had been in years too. I felt like I could take on the world! We were beyond thrilled and filled with excitement and love for the little one growing in my belly!
Each of my pregnancies has carried its share of fear and anxiety because of our experience in losing our first son and in knowing the difficulties that my body has carrying a child, but we were in great medical care and any known medical concerns that we had were addressed and being attended to. I was strong and we were ready for this little one!
In the back of my head I would try to calm my fears and tell myself that we had lost one child already and there was no way we would ever lose another. Oh, how I wish that was true...
 4th of July, 2014 - 2 days after we celebrated Aiden’s 10th birthday in heaven.

Day 4: Now
I am very much a work in progress, but I love who I am today. My life isn’t perfect, my heart still hurts, but I have been blessed with an abundantly beautiful life.
Somewhere along my grief journey I made a choice to stop focusing on what I had lost, but to focus on what I had gained. I would never choose to go through the heartache and devastation that we went through again, but I am so grateful for the journey that my grief has sent me on. My faith is stronger than it ever has been and I am thankful for how God has shaped and changed my heart throughout my healing.

Day 5: Journal
Journaling is like having a window to your soul. It is a place where you can give your emotions an outlet. It is a place where your deepest thoughts can reside without fear of judgment or any need for justification.
Journaling (blogging) has definitely had a place in my grief and healing journey. I wish I could find (make) the time to slow down, reflect and write more. There is such a great beauty in releasing your thoughts and feelings to paper (or computer screen). I feel a sense of strength and courage when I am able to look back and re-read my journal entries and see the progress that I have made.
I don’t write or blog much these days, but I have found that having a creative outlet can be just as fulfilling. I love surrounding myself with words of inspiration and hope and it brings my soul such a joy to be able to share these words of wisdom, that have helped and encouraged me, with others.
Day 6: Books
I have read quite a few books in the years since the loss of our boys, but one that really brought a lot of healing to my heart was “I Will Carry You” by Angie Smith. This book gave many of my thoughts and feelings a voice that I hadn’t been able to find or pinpoint before reading it. It brought me closer and helped me realize that there is a very safe place with the Lord where we don't have to have all of the answers. Read that again. Slowly. We don't need to have all of the answers. That was HUGE for me.
God is perfectly capable of revealing Himself in His time. I don't need to try to fill all the gaps. I believe that these gaps in our understanding are there to serve as opportunities to lean into Him despite the gaps being there. I had been leaning into God as I was grieving and healing my heart, but this book and the stories shared within its pages encouraged me to lean into my faith and trust God even more.
Day 7: Sacred Place

I still remember the very first time we attended Eagle Brook Church. The worship music started and my heart was overwhelmed with a comfort and peace that I had desperately yearned and searched for in the years after we lost Aiden. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I knew that I had finally found a safe place. I felt like I was ‘home.’

Years later, I am still moved to tears nearly every single week during the worship music. That same comfort and peace fills my heart and I know that my boys are with me in those moments. I close my eyes, reach out my hands beside me and imagine my little boys holding my hands as we sing and worship together. I can feel them with me. These are some of my most sacred and cherished moments.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ten years ago

Friday, July 2nd, 2004 was the day that I became a mom when I delivered our first-born son, Aiden Robert Roth. That fateful Friday morning was the most beautiful and most life-changing day of my life. 

It is so hard to think that it has been ten years.  In some ways it feels like Aiden's birth was just moments ago, but in other ways... Wow. It feels like it was a lifetime ago.

I barely remember who I was before I became Aiden's mom and I'm okay with that because he has enriched my life so fully. God has used our little boy's life and death to teach me more than I could have ever dreamed it wouldBeing Aiden's mom has been the most rewarding and impactful experience of my life.


I came across this quote a while ago:
“Every true cross-bearer learns to carry his cross as if it were an ornament rather than a burden, and finds after a time that it carries him. It gives more strength to him than he gives to it.”
- Mrs. Charles Cowman

It's may seem strange to relate the death of our son as an ornament, but I do.  Ornaments are adored, cherished and admired. They often hold significance, special meanings or sweet and precious memories.

The day that Aiden was born holds some of my most precious memories, but it was also the day that my heart was ripped from my body. It was the day that my heart was truly broken and shattered to pieces.

In the years following Aiden's death, I greatly missed the person I used to be. I missed my innocence and the old me. But mostly, I missed my son. Nothing made sense to me.

Deep down I think a part of me always knew that there was more to Aiden's life that my feelings of pain and sadness, but to describe our loss as an 'ornament' would not have crossed my mind. Losing our son was a heavy, heavy burden that quickly defined everything about me. My every waking moment was centered around his death and the emptiness I felt inside.


Today when I think about our first-born son, I miss him deeply, but a smile often fills my heart and defines my face. I can speak about him without being overwhelmed by tears. I am so grateful and I thank God for every day that he was with us- for every single day that I carried him and felt his amazing kicks.

Over time, our loss- the unexpected, heart-wrenching twist that changed our lives into what we are living today- became something so much more than my grief. It is something that I am proud of. It has never been something that I hold onto for fear of forgetting his existence, but it is what I hold onto simply because this is our story and it's a beautiful story filled with so much hope, restoration and joy.  Aiden was our gift and our ornament, and the truth is, he only makes Heaven that much sweeter.


I wish I could say that it doesn't matter to me who remembers what, who speaks our son's name, who thinks about our little boy- because we do all those things and we forever will. There will always be a bit of a sadness in knowing that others will never know all the gifts that our son has to give and has given already. But, I know.  I feel his presence with me every day. When I look in the mirror I see Aiden smiling back at me. And when you see me smiling at you, I hope that you see a part of him too.

So, for today- for every day, please don't be afraid to speak my son's name. His name is sweet music to my ears and I love to hear it.

Happy 10th birthday, Aiden! I look forward to the day that I will hold you in my arms again!



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A year of sweetness

This past year has been one of the sweetest years of my life. No, let me rephrase that. It has been the sweetest year of my life. My heart has grown in ways that I didn't know it could. Spaces were filled in my spirit that I didn't know needed filled or that I thought had been filled as best they could be. God continues to bring a strength and resiliency to my being that surprises me. Saying I'm thankful just doesn't seem to be enough to describe it.

At times I feel guilty admitting this. I feel guilty acknowledging the depths of the joy that I feel. There has been an inner battle inside me between my grief over the loss of Aiden and Jeremiah and the joy I have before me raising Gavin, Gabe and Dominic.

But, there's no denying it. I am realizing more and more, I am feeling more and more that God does truly have great things in store for me and our family. I have prayed for so many years for restoration, but I think I didn't really believe that it was possible. For so long I have felt so broken.

But dare I say it? Dare I say that I don't feel broken anymore? Beaten. Battered. Scarred?

Of course. Yes, I am those things.

But, broken?

No. I'm claiming it. I am declaring it. I am not broken anymore.

I carry my wounds and scars with great pride, but amongst those wounds, I feel a sense of wholeness that has eluded me for a long time.

Tears fill my eyes as I say that.

I am choosing... I am trying to live beyond the labels I have given myself.

I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a friend. I don't want to define myself by my grief anymore. There's too much joy- too many blessings that surround me. And honestly, I'm not sure how much choice I have in this. There's no way to deny it.

Look at these faces.

These precious faces are some of the greatest gifts I have been given and they are greatest gifts I will leave behind me.

And I haven't even mentioned my husband... He is the greatest father. The most amazing and supportive husband. He is such a sturdy rock and safe place to fall for all of us.

I'm gushing a little. Yes. Yes, I am.

I couldn't be who I am, I couldn't be where I am, without him in my corner and by my side. I may joke that I 'wear the pants' in our family, but let's be real for a second...  I may 'wear the pants' around here, but it only works because my hubby is the best pair of suspenders a girl can own!! Oh, how I love him!


God is so good.


We'll be celebrating Dominic's 1st birthday in a few weeks. His first birthday!

Can you believe that he is nearly one already? 

This past year has been so utterly sweet because of him. Dominic has brought such joy, laughter and thanksgiving to all of our hearts. I don't know if our little boy will ever be able to understand the healing that he has brought to our family.

Listening to his giggles, watching him explore and learn, feeling and seeing his arms wrap around each of us, being witness to the love that he has for his dad and his brothers and the love that they have for him...

It truly, without a doubt, is absolutely and positively, the most rewarding, the most stunning and wonderful experience to be a part of.



I think about how much love I have for my husband and our children and I know God's love for us far surpasses that which I am capable of feeling. How great is that? God's love has sustained me and has carried me through many dark days. He has gifted me with the support and blessings that I have needed to find my way.

Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
     He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
     He restores my soul.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yes, even though I walk through the darkest valley,
     I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
     You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
     and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.